Eight weeks. Eight glorious weeks. That's how long it's been since my extreme... 'makeover', I suppose you could call it. At least, that's how I've been describing it to everyone I know. Sometimes random people that I've seen before but don't really know call me out on it. They'd see me but not think much of it, but then look back at me with wide eyes and keep moving, thinking that I didn't see their reaction. But, I'm an observant guy. At least that reaction is much better than what I used to get. It's hard to imagine that just two months ago I was the most pasty guy alive...and now look at me!
Not only have my looks changed, but so has my social life and body tone. As you can see, I'm at the gym right now with my shirt off - which I never would have done before.
Anyway, I'm not at the gym alone, I'm here with my friends Louis and Gabe. But maybe I should start at the beginning.

Gabe, Louis, and I were friends in grade school, but a little way into middle school they got weird, and were embarrassed by how I looked. Needless to say, we stopped being friends.
So anyway, I sorta ran into them - and they were amazed when they realized it was me. We all sort of agreed to hang together - it was a mutual decision. And we, well, hit it off: no gay implications intended. It's just so nice to have guy friends again! There are just topics that I can talk about that I haven't been able to go through before...
"Woo, good work out guys. I think I have sweated as much as an African baby gets to drink in a day..."
"Gabe, don't you think that's a little insensitive?"
"Pch, no, it's true."
"Whatever, it's just a metaphor," Louis piped in. He seems to have this obsession with the word 'metaphor'. Since this is the only time you've heard him say this, you'll just have to believe me on this one.
"So, how about we call it a day guys?" I said.
"Oh, but it's only been an hour," Gabe said. Though we all believe in exercise, Gabe just has an obsession with it. Like bulimia minus the puking...
Louis rolled his eyes and got off the treadmill. "Yeah, we're done."
Reluctantly, Gabe hopped off the treadmill and I got off as well. We went downstairs to hit the showers.
Slowly, we made it down the stairs (since Gabe insisted that we walk down the stairs as a means of cooling off). When we reached the floor, I was utterly exhausted and inched my way to the changing rooms. In my slow daze, I noticed a girl with wavy brown hair in the front. I blinked hard and looked at her closer. My eyes changed from sleepy to confused and alert. I was thinking that-no...it couldn't be!
Without looking at Gabe or Louis, I said to them in a hushed voice (since I was afraid to get the girl's attention), "I'll catch up with you guys in a minute." They gave me a confused look, but nodded.

I turned my attention back to the girl. She was exactly who I thought she was, no doubt. It was her alright - Brianna. The one who changed my life, gave me my permanent makeover. No. Makeover is too settle a word- she...transformed me. And I owed her forever. She expected nothing in return-just that I shouldn't tell anyone or mention her at all. But, that's been no problem since no one would believe me anyway.

In a brief second, I realized that she noticed me. Before she spoke, my breath caught in my throat.
"Well well, if it isn't TJ Evans. How has your life been going so far? You haven't told anyone, have you?"
"Oh, it's been going so well! I got my old friends back, and my girlfriend still loves me. She's great, it's great... and of course I haven't told anyone. Should you be talking to me - what if one of my friends comes out and sees you?"
She gave me this look that said- are-you-seriously-asking-that-question. "I’d be able to smooth it over, no problem." I nodded awkwardly. "So... how were you able to do this exactly? How will I ever... repay you?"
"No questions asked, TJ. Didn't I tell you that already?"
"Right... look, I gotta go - I have to change and see my friends."
"Alright, see you."
"See you."

"Who the hell was that girl, TJ?" Gabe asked.
"Come on TJ, lay it out for us! We heard everything you said."
"And you were listening because...?"
"Because you were acting weird, that's why!"
"Ah, I see..."
"So, she did your spray tan or something? Gosh, she sounds secretive. Why would a spray tanner not want others to find out about their business?"
"Um...I don't know. Look, um...how about we change now, okay?"
While they were changing, I quick got in a corner with my cell phone in hand. Knowing it was crazy, I called Trish. It was a long shot - but I was hoping that if she came over and saw her... she would somehow understand what happened with me... I don't know. And I would never ever flat out tell her, or anyone - even if she is my sister. Because I didn’t want to find out what ELSE that girl was capable of...

Trish POV
Today was such a beautiful day, that my friend Shelby and I decided to go out for a little walk in the wilderness with her dog Speckles. I was zoning out watching the dog when I heard my cell phone ring.
I glanced at Shelby and put a finger up. "Don't worry, this'll just take a minute."
Whenever we go out on our nature excursions with Speckles, we try our best to talk as little as possible. At least, Shelby and I do. Usually Bridget comes with us with her dog, but she couldn't make it today. If she's here, then talking usually ends up happening but it's still awesome to have her with us.

I looked at the caller ID. It was Teej.
"Hey Teej, what's up?"
He answered me talking in low tones. "Could you get over to Jamar's right now?" That's the name of the gym place he and his friends go to.
"Need to be picked up?"
After a long pause, he said, "Yes... and something else."
I raised an eyebrow. "What else?"
"Just come here."
I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see me. Usually Teej isn't the kind of person to make me guess.
"Alright, I'll be there in a few."
Sighing, I looked at Shelby. "Guess we have to cut our time in half a little...Teej needs me at Jamar's."
"Why are you always cuttin him favors? Sheesh, I was really lookin forward to this. It's an even better day than I thought it would be..."
Shelby was right. The sun was shining and I could feel its Spring heat glazing my skin. It was the perfect day for a stroll.
"Do you really wanna know why I give him so many favors?"
She threw her arms up in the air. "Yes, I wanna know why."
"It's because when we were little, I made fun of his skin tone, his eyes...and I feel really bad now..."
Before I could let my thoughts race, Shelby was already walking back to the car.
When we got in my car, she let Speckles take shot gun because, 'it is really hot outside and she needs the breeze more than I do'. She really loves her Speckles, but she is a sweety.
As I drove, I let my thoughts race about Teej, and not in a positive light. He has really gotten this whole spray tan/contact thing out of control. Well, actually, kind of in control-but a little too much. Suddenly he looks normal, so he gets his old friends back and shuns his 'old' albino self. But the whole thing just seems rather fishy to me-he has been acting strange ever since his makeover, and not just in a cocky way. It's a lot of little things and I can't think of examples, but he seems to be hiding something. I don't pick up on a lot of things, but a dog could pick up on this if they even half paid attention.

I went into the gym while Shelby stayed in the car with Speckles.
Quickly, I saw Teej with Gabe.
"What up, Teej?"
"Well, um-you see..." For a good minute, Teej glanced around the room.
"Oh...um...just there was this-..."

I stopped him from talking, since I could tell his speech was getting him no where. See, there’s an example of his fishiness right there.
"Why did you call me all the way over here...?"
"Um...I just wanted you to...Oh, just forget it."
I shook my head. I was done. "No, I won't forget it. Tell me what's up Teej. Why are you acting this way?"
Teej turned white. I was onto him now.

But then Gabe said, "Oh, he was going to have you meet the girl who helped him change his look. She's pretty hot."
So sorry for the super long wait on the update, guys. Told you I would never quit this story! Don't forget to follow by email if that's easier for you.
Did you guys like that I told part of the chapter in Trish's POV? I found it necessary for someone to say something about TJ.
I really like this story. I think it's a very clever plot idea and TJ is a great character :) Interested to see where this goes!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much CourtneyHelen, I really appreciate it. I hope you continue to read :).
ReplyDeleteI wonder what's up with the girl. I still think something bad is going to happen to TJ because of these.
ReplyDeleteYeah something is off about this girl, but really I have no idea what. You do a great job of building intrigue!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much everyone!
ReplyDeleteAnd, so glad you think so, Aeon!
I'll probably have the next chapter out on Wednesday since I've been working the last few days, and I have Wednesday off from school!